Hamilton-Bates Investment Research, Inc.: Who We Are

HBIR is a Registered Investment Advisor that works in partnership with financial professionals to create and manage investment portfolios suited for each investor's needs. Hamilton-Bates specializes in asset management, it is all that we do. By analyzing vast amounts of historical, fundamental, and economic data, our trading models and techniques help assess the attractiveness of the various asset classes within the financial markets.


We are a flexible, top-down manager, and we analyze all relevant asset classes and sectors within the framework of our 'macro' outlook. Analysis of commodity price trends, stock/bond relationships and the slope of the yield curve are a few of the indicators used to evaluate the economic cycle and overall economic outlook. Where we are in the business cycle is a large determinant of expected asset class performance. In addition market valuations are measured to gauge stock versus bond attractiveness, and the overall attractiveness of the stock market in general. Finally, technical and relative strength analysis is done to provide consistency between the economic outlook and the 'message' the market is sending.


Finally, when it comes to investing, trust is important. That is why we place particular value on the personal relationships with our clients and the financial planners that work with us. We view ourselves as a partner and a resource for those that work with us, and we will provide help and insight to implement a plan based on each client's needs.


Hamilton-Bates Brochure

HB Brochure.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [130.7 KB]

Hamilton-Bates ADV2-A

HBIR ADV-2A 2021.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [409.3 KB]

Hamilton-Bates ADV2-B

HBIR ADV-2B 2021.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [587.3 KB]

Hamilton-Bates Code of Ethics and Privacy Policy

HBIR Code of Ethics and Client Privacy P[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [13.0 KB]