Hamilton-Bates Investment Research, Inc.: Experience You Can Count On

We offer seven model portfolios in two strategies, as well as custom portfolios, all designed to preserve and enhance your wealth.

Flexible Strategic Allocation Portfolios

These portfolios are diversified and balanced, holding a mix of stocks and income securities. Like all of our strategies, these portfolios contain a flexible component, giving the portfolios a responsiveness to changing market conditions. Offering solid, balanced portfolios, this strategy is a good choice for the 'core' of an investor's portfolio.

An overview


Tactical Allocation Portfolios

The Tactical Portfolios are concentrated, and can be invested as much as 100% in one asset class depending on market conditions. These portfolio options are for investors seeking capital appreciation and have a long-term time horizon.

An overview


Custom Account Management

If one of our Model Portfolios doesn't fit the need, we'll create a custom portfolio. Whether its income or growth, or both, we'll create a custom portfolio utilizing stocks, ETF's, mutual funds or bonds. We'll find the right combination for you to make the most of the market's advantages, regardless of the climate.


Hamilton-Bates Brochure

HB Brochure.pdf
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